Published Tuesday, May 31, 2005 by MB. 
The Man in the Can encounters a den of snakes in their pursuit of bird eggs.
MP3 File
Published Wednesday, May 18, 2005 by MB. 
The man in the can finds himself in peril as he ends up in the city trash dump.
MP3 File
Published Tuesday, May 10, 2005 by MB. 
The strangest criminal trials occurs in New Mexico history as the defendants use alien conspiracies as part of their defense.
MP3 FileA great website regarding this crime and the trials can be found at; also has a book out on the subject; "September Sacrifice" (check it out, if that's your type of thing)
Published by MB. 
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Out of a group of UFO buffs grew a
murder plot against the wife of one member of the group who
once allegedly claimed he was an extraterrestrial, prosecutors allege.
Girly Chew Hossencofft was last seen Sept. 9, 1999.
Her body has not been found.
But prosecutors are seeking capital punishment if Diazien Hossencofft,
the victim's husband, and Linda Henning,
Diazien's alleged girlfriend, are convicted of kidnapping and
murdering the diminutive bank employee.
A fellow UFO enthusiast is charged with conspiracy to murder
the Maylasian immigrant, as well, the prosecution says.
The group used to meet weekly at a bookstore to talk about UFOs.
A competency hearing for Henning was scheduled here Monday
before state District Judge Frank Allen Jr...
****Reprint Courtesy of Gallup Independent (7-02-01 edition)****
Published by MB. 
Human Resistive Manifesto by Henning can be found at beware...this is way out there.....
Published by MB. 
Letter from Linda Henning to a friend. Remainder of this letter can be found at, this is way out there, so reader beware....
Published Wednesday, May 04, 2005 by MB. 
The members of a rural household are murdered and local law enforcement calls a neighbor on the party line to inform them of possible danger.
MP3 File
Published by MB. 

The New Mexico Boys' School (NMBS) was opened on October 1, 1909 by proclamation of former territorial Governor George Currey. Located near the town of Springer in scenic northeastern New Mexico, the original facility was designed from a corrections and detention perspective. - Photo Courtesy of The State of New Mexico.
Published Sunday, May 01, 2005 by MB. 
A tale of years of encounters with a mystical being on a rural stretch of highway.
MP3 File