Published Tuesday, January 24, 2006 by MB. 
This is a re-post as the feed on the 12/16/05 Post had an error. Sorry for any confusion this may cause.The Man in the Can needs to make a truce with the snakes in order to save the elder birds to weak to fly south for the winter.
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Published by MB. 
Thanks Adam for playing Bedtime Stories My Kids Love Trip to Wal-Mart Promo on the January 24th
Daily Source Code #322. It was fun to do.
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Published Monday, January 23, 2006 by MB. 
THE PODCASTBedtime Stories My Kids Love go to the deparment store for an afternoon of folly and mayhem as they knock out
The List (see below.)
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Published by MB. 
THE LIST 21:53 Things to do @ Walmart - Adam offers a tee shirt to anyone who does a "sound scene" tour and records one of the events.
(Daily Source Code 319 )
* 25 boxes of condoms and put them in other carts randomly.
* Set all alarm clocks 5min
* trail of tomatoe juice leading toilet
* bag of M&Ms on layby
* move a caution wetfloor sign to a carpeted area
* setup a tent in the camping dept
* when a Clerk asks if they can help you cry "Why cant you people just leave me alone??!"
* look right in to sec camera pick nose
* gun dept ask for prozac
* run around the stoor humming the Mission Impossible theme song.
* funnals maddonna look
* When an announcement comes over the speaker system, assume the fetal position and scream no no its those voices again!
* Go to the changing room, stay a few minutes and scream out "hey theres no toilet paper in here!"
Published by MB. 
Remember the WalMart "sound scene" challenge....well here it is Adam. Enjoy!!
Bedtime Stories My Kids Love - Trip to WalMart - Promo for DSCCheers!
Bedtime Stories My Kids Love
Published by MB. 
A family trip to Rome and a chance to attend the Midnight Papal Mass at the historic Vatican turns into quite the evening for the family.
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Published by MB. 
Entering St. Peter's Square on Christmas Eve

Published by MB. 
The Pope leaving the Christmas Papal Mass
Published Tuesday, January 17, 2006 by MB. 
Here is the latest promo for the Daily Source Code. Below is the a copy of the posting of the promo on Podshow Promos. Click below on player to listen.
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Published by MB. 
Want to hear some great original stories and humorous skits? Go to
Bedtime Stories My Kids Love for just that! No nursery rhymes here, just original off beat stuff guaranteed to keep the kids from going to bed. Everything is kidsafe and podsafe!!
You can find this promo by going to
Podshow Promos.Will the vision in Adam's grade school presentation come true? Click below to hear our DSC Promo.
Adam Curry's School Project - Bedtime Stories My Kids Love Promo for DSCCheers!
Published Monday, January 16, 2006 by MB. 
A family trip back from an overseas vacation results in an amazing night in the famous Paris airport.
MP3 File
Published by MB. 
Picture of Merhan Karimi Nasseri in the Charles DeGaulle Airport.

For the amazing story of Merhan Karimi Nasseri, click here.
Published Tuesday, January 10, 2006 by MB. 
The Man in the Can comes across a large abandoned lizard in the park.
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